Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 4 Continued: It's a Wash!

One of the benefits of visiting Disney World in January is that nightfall comes at a reasonable hour, which means that the fireworks shows are at 8:00 PM instead of 10:00 PM. Wishes, the fireworks extravaganza at the Magic Kingdom, is truly spectacular. I knew that Griffin would be dazzled, and I wanted to plan one night at the Magic Kingdom where we could watch it together. Day 4 was that night.

On the spread sheet.

In real life, the weather up to day 4 was hot and slightly humid. We knew it had to break sometime, and it broke on our way into the Magic Kingdom on Wishes evening. Literally, we had no sooner walked into MK, when the skies opened up and the rains came down. What started as a moderate sprinkling turned rapidly into buckets of "liquid sunshine" dumping all over us. We ran into the first place we saw, the Monsters Inc show, to make a plan. The plan: go to the Monsters Inc show (hey, I never said it was a brilliant plan!).

After the show, we had a quick "huddle" to decide what to do. I had some ponchos, which were basically clear plastic garbage bags with hoods, and Molly had her "bubble", a plastic rain guard that enclosed the front of her stroller. I was not confident enough in the protection of the ponchos and bubble to keep the kids in the park, especially since there were rumors that the fireworks show was going to be cancelled anyway. It was decided that Ted, the kids, and I would head back to the room with my mom, and my dad and brother would stay and brave the rain.

It was a disappointing end to my magical Wishes plan, but fortunately I know that we'll be back again, and maybe bext time Molly will be able to stay awake and enjoy it too.

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