Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rock of Love

Each day, I take my kids to daycare (I am the designated dropper-offer, my husband the designated picker-upper), and though the route is the same, the ride is different every time.

This morning, my son decided he wanted some music for the ride. He selected "Wiggly Party", and I dialed it up on my Ipod. We rocked out to the Wiggles, and when the song ended, I heard the familiar strains of my long ago past on the speakers. Before I could skip on to the next song, my son said "No, Mommy! I want to listen to this one!"

I peeked in the rearview mirror and watched my three year old bob his head in time to the music, a huge grin plastered across his face. He held up the triceratops figure that was his travelling companion and shook it around in time to the music. He pumped his arms, and played a frantic kind of air guitar. The kid went straight out nuts. As the song finished, he said "That's my favorite song!" What was the musical masterpiece that made my son rethink everything he ever learned about music?

Talk Dirty To Me, by Poison. Eighties hair metal at it's finest.

I am so proud. And still going to hell.

1 comment:

Mickey Stiletto said...

How does Poison just happen to come up after the Wiggles? That has got to be one strange playlist.

Also, you could at least have some taste and play Pour Some Sugar On Me or Cherry Pie.