Sunday, February 1, 2009

Laughing Contest

Now that she's almost 5 months old, our baby is finding the world a funny place to be. She has found her laugh, a deep belly laugh that makes anyone in earshot laugh too. Since we love to hear that sound, the rest of the family is taking turns trying to elicit the laugh as often as possible. Here are the strategies we employ:

Dad: My husband generally begins with a big smile and beatboxing. He'll dance her around, while making his funny little drum noises, then finish with some big lifts in the air. He really takes advantage of his superior upper body strength to balance her on one hand, etc. Showoff :)

Mom: I also start with a big smile, but segue into one of two choices, kissy noises or cheek chomping. Kissy noises almost always get a laugh, but man, those cheeks are irresistable. The downside of the nom-nom-nom is that I always get a drool covered face, but it is so worth it! When all else fails, I bob my head back and forth like a chicken. Sounds strange, but suddenly I'm Chris Rock, because the audience is pumping their arms and legs and yucking it up.

Brother: Without question, the headliner of our comedy show is our son. Her eyes lock onto his as he jitters and shakes, dancing around like a maniacal puppet. Then, he'll grab her hands or shoulders and rock her back and forth, singing "dee dee dee" as they dance together. Something about the sound of his voice as he coos to her is enough to make her smile more broadly than any of us put together. She adores her big brother, and he seems to adore her right back.

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