Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Buzz Lightyear is my CoPilot

This morning I received my first Driver's Ed lesson in almost 2 decades from a very unlikely source: Buzz Lightyear.

Cruising down the back road that we take to day care, I was able to travel the posted speed limit for the first time in days. The recent warmth had melted the snowbanks, and eliminated any lingering icy patches. With no traffic in front of me, I felt confident we would make good time.


It was not a question, it was a warning. My three year old's tone was quite stern, and when I peeked in the mirror, there was no smile on his face.

"Mommy, Buzz Lightyear says you're going too fast." He solemnly held up his Space Ranger action figure for me to see.

"Tell Buzz Lightyear that the speed limit is 4-5 and I am driving 4-5."

"No, it's too fast. Buzz Lightyear says it's too fast!"

"Okay, buddy." I maintained the same speed, but I could feel Buzz Lightyear's disapproving eyes boring into the back of my head.

"Mommy, it's too fast!"

Finally, I relented, slowing my speed and mentally apologizing to the line of traffic I knew would materialize behind me.

"Thanks, Mommy. Buzz Lightyear says thank you."

No problem, Buzz. No problem.

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