Sunday, April 19, 2009

Old McDonald's You Know What

Today, one of the first nice WEEKEND days we've had this year, we headed up to Shelburne Farms to meet some friends and have some fun. Officially, the farm doesn't open until the end of May, so we were restricted to the main paddock and barn, but we still had a lot of fun.

This is probably the most attention the animals got from Griffin all day. There were a ton of sheep at the farm, and they were all stinking cute.

This is where the real action was for Griffin and his friend: sandboxes full of tractors, tools and...chickens. The chickens were largely ignored by the boys.

However, Mommy worked her magic and caught a chicken! Yes! Please ignore the scary appearance, as it took my husband forever to get out the camera. I was afraid that the chicken would start to peck my fingers off while I was waiting for him to dig it out, hence the strange smile.


Sasha said...

Looks like a fun filled day! Love the chicken photo.. who knew you were so talented!

Unknown said...

What was wrong with this chicken or did Griffin catch it and hand it to you?