Sunday, April 12, 2009

Boy, I have been a bad blogger lately. With spring in the air (well, some days) I feel like time is flying by more quickly than ever. This sense of time flying is leaving me feeling more than a little discombobulated.

Case in point, Easter.

Rather than travelling down to our families this Easter, we stayed home and had my parents and Grandmother come to us. We had big fun, a great meal, and a lovely time, but it was all a giant blur. My husband and I planned an elaborate Easter egg/scavenger hunt leading up to a big reveal of our son's new bicycle. A fabulous plan, except for the fact that neither of us thought to charge the camera, and by the time we realized that was the case, neither of us could remember where we last saw the charger.

Needless to say, we have no pictures.

It was not our finest moment.

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