Friday, January 2, 2009

The War is Over

I'm happy to report that the battle has been won: the hunger strike is over and our daughter is drinking from the bottle at daycare. Woohoo! I am so relieved.

The first glimmer of success came on Wednesday. At the suggestion of another teacher, I brought some items of mine from home, with the idea that she would smell me, and understand that it was time to eat. While it felt a bit strange to bring a bunch of dirty laundry to daycare, perhaps to be worn by the nice ladies there, I figured it was worth a shot.

And it paid off! The little girl, wrapped in my sweater, was happily hitting the bottle. She was able to stay the whole day. As it was NYE, that meant only until 3 o'clock, but still! A whole day at day care! I knew she could do it.

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