Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ba-Rack O-BAAA-Ma

The daycare center where we send our kids is a terrific facility, with a huge focus on learning. In fact, when my son was still one or two, they taught him the names of our current political leaders. I have to admit, despite my democratic leanings, there is something adorable about the name "Condoleeza Rice" when it's being said in a sweet two-year-old voice.

However, nothing prepared me for the way Barack Obama has captured my son's imagination. Not for his charm, charisma, passion or historic significance, merely for the syllables that make up his name. Ba-Rack O-BAAA-Ma. Try it, it really is fun.

As a result of his fascinating name, Barack Obama has been the star in some of our son's more recent stream of consciousness ramblings. For example, on Sunday, Barack Obama is going to come to our house and go snowmobiling on a big red snowmobile with our son. Then he is going to ride in his super fast red race car. Then they will play tractors and dinosaurs together. In my son's imaginary life, The President Elect is a cross between James Bond and John Deere.

I am extending an open invitation to Mr. Obama. If you can find the time in your busy inaugural schedule, fly Air Force One up to Burlington International Airport and enjoy a Vermont-style welcome from our son. Just give a call first, as we have a strict, no-visitors-during-naptime policy.

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