Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 3: Go Go, Power Rangers!

Poor Uncle Matt. Still on California time, and faced with Extra Magic Hours, he was forced to get up at the equivalent of 4 AM. It was no mellow wakeup either, with his neice and nephew hopping and popping all over the place. He was a trooper, for sure.

This morning brings us to Disney Hollywood Studios, which Griffin had been waiting for ever since he found out that the Power Rangers lived here, and frequently made "personal appearances". Before we would get to meet the Rangers, we needed to make a plan for Toy Story Mania. I mentioned earlier that if you want to do Dumbo without a long wait, you have to do it first. This goes triple for Midway Mania, which is one of the newest rides in the World, and the only ride I was unable to hit on my solo adventure. In a nutshell, our plan was "Follow the crowd to Toy Story, and pray we don't have to wait an hour".

We did not need to wait an hour, but we did wait for awhile, enjoying the ambiance of being tiny people in a world of oversized toys. Before long, we got our 3D glasses, and got ready to board our car. The idea behind the ride is that it is a 3D shooting gallery, and each person gets their own little shooter. Uncle Matt and I were seated side by side, with Molly on my lap. This put me at a disadvantage, game-wise, as Molly desperately wanted to play too. She would grab my gun's pullstring and hold it as tightly as she could (just like she saw me doing), making it impossible for me to use the gun to hit the targets. Oh well, I still got a higher score than my mom :)

*****The first 3 paragraphs were written in early February. It's now early April, and I can't pretend that I can remember the details of the trip the way I could in February. Trip report fail!****
I was a little nervous about taking Molly to Disney World at such a young age, wondering if we were really biting off more than we could chew. My fears were mostly unfounded, as she rolled with everything Disney could throw at her, and more. The one true breakdown I can remember happened on "Power Ranger Morning". We were making our way over to the place where the You Know Who's are known to show up, and we saw Lightning McQueen and Mater posing for pictures with practically no line. Even though Griff is basically over his "Cars" phase, he still wanted to say hello, so Ted gamely got in line.

Poor Molly did not want to wait in line. She wanted to head straight to LMcQ, and no mistake. The only thing standing between the baby and her goal was two Photopass photographers, 20 other visitors, and me. When I tried valiantly to keep her from plowing straight through the crowd, she turned all the fury her little body could muster, and shrieked! Loudly, and endlessly, until I physically picked her up, held her down and strapped her into her stroller, at which point she almost instantly...fell asleep. Poor baby!

Because of the rage-nap, Molly missed the Power rangers entirely. Griffin, however, was first in line to meet the yellow PR, who gave him a huge hug, and posed for numerous pictures. By the second meet and greet, I had caught on to the Rangers' M.O. They would pose the visiting child into some sort of ninja-style crime fighting pose, and then bust out an identical pose, usually with a corresponding musical cue. BAM!

Needless to say, our boy was in heaven, although surprisingly shy with the Rangers. Here are some of the radical, crime-fighting, ninja style poses we saw that day:

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