Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 2 Continued: Why the Navigator Should Always Wear His Glasses!

Upon our return the room, the kids napped, and the adults quietly heckled golfers from our balcony. Just the kind of quietly refreshing afternoon we needed to get us ready for a fun evening at Epcot.

As mentioned, my sainted husband was the designated driver for the group, my beloved dad in the navigator seat. The entire Disney complex is very well signed, made to assist hapless tourists in navigating the World. However, signs are only helpful when folks have the appropriate vision correction devices, so once again the chorus of backseat drivers chimed in "helpfully". Between the GPS, the Google Maps application on my iPhone, and the street signs, we finally washed up at Epcot.

Travelling with a one and four year old, our Disney nights were not destined to be crazy. This night was no different. We all rode Spaceship Earth together, then Grammy and Poppy and I took the kids over to "find Nemo". Afterwards, while we waited for Ted and Uncle Matt to finish their "Mission: Space", Griffin and Molly checked out the fish and manatees in the aquarium. They also climbed inside Bruce the Shark's mouth for what should have been the perfect photo opportunity, but which Mommy (and her iPhone) whiffed.

As a matter of fact, let me state for the record that the terrible photo of the kids and Bruce was the first photo that I took on our vacation. I know, I know, I am a horrible mother! But the first day was such a whirlwind, I just didn't really have a chance. After that, I resolved to take more pictures every day, and it was a resolution I (mostly) kept.

I will spare you the details of the ride home, except to say that if you don't have your vision correction devices on, and it is dark out, and you are trying to read signs, you are probably up a creek.

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