Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pins and Needles

Every year, the news is filled with horror stories that travellers face as they try to make it home for their various holidays. In the past, I've watched the stories with sympathy, but also with the feeling that folks who are attempting some sort of cross-country travel must be nuts. After all, my own relatives are no more than 3 hours away by car, and while traffic and weather stink, there's no way my kids and I will end up huddled under a blanket by baggage claim.

Well, my pity has now turned to empathy, as I anxiously await word that my little brother has boarded his plane in San Francisco. I watch every snippet about the horrible weather delays with new butterflies in my stomach. I have picked up the phone 3 times to call him and tell him to leave plenty of time for check in, but I know he'll be grouchy if I wake him up. Instead, I call my dad with fresh updates about west coast weather conditions, and reminders for him to pass along to my brother when he calls.

We haven't seen my brother in almost a year. He has yet to meet our daughter. I am agonizing that something might keep him from our Christmas. I have plenty to do around the house, but I don't think I'll be able to relax until I know he's in the air. Then my worry will switch to concern about a safe landing.

To everyone out there in the same boat, I feel for you! Let's all keep our fingers crossed that everyone makes it safely.

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