Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is It Tomorrow Yet?

It is clearly one of those days. I've got to get the family ready for a 3 hour car trip, prepare a bag for my daughter's day care test run, and mentally get myself together for my first post-baby staff meeting at work. It's no wonder that I spent a full two minutes in the shower with the conditioner bottle in hand, trying to remember if I did or did not shampoo already.

I stepped out to find the baby crying downstairs, and the dog barking upstairs. Fortunately, I had prepped my clothes in advance. Unfortunately, I left them downstairs. Ran downstairs in my towel, only to find that instead of barking at a squirrel, or snow, my dog was barking at the propane truck in the driveway, and the man filling the tank outside my bathroom window. Of course!

Why oh why did the baby pick this morning to get up a full hour earlier than normal, in time to be a total crankmonster right before we need to leave? Why oh why did I have to pump right before my crankmonster decided she was hungry?

I really wish days like this came with a warning label.

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