Saturday, May 9, 2009

Big Truck Day!

Hands down, one of the best things about being a parent is all the fun stuff you get to do "for the kids". Today, our duty as parents called us to take the kids down to the local elementary school for the annual Big Truck Day. In case you don't know, Big Truck Day is a fundraiser where as many awesome vehicles as you can gather are parked in one spot, and the kids are allowed to crawl through them, "drive" them, and honk the horns willy-nilly.

Parents too, if you're lucky :) What you can't see in most of these pictures is that Daddy is in the cab as well, having the time of his life in the big trucks, too.

Here are some pics of the big fun we had at Big Truck Day this year. Enjoy!

An overview of the carnage:

He looks so tiny in that giant truck!



And another fire truck.

At first, Molly did not know what to make of the incessantly honking horns:

But she got over it and ended up having some fun!

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