Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yep, it's Thanksgiving. Yesterday we loaded up the old family truckster with both kids, the dog, and more luggage than I care to think about. Enough for two small children and two technology-addicted adults to survive comfortably for three days, at least (fortunately, the dog is a light packer).

As a single woman, I was always an overpacker. I defended the excessive packing by saying that I wanted choices, and not to feel like I was "stuck" wearing one outfit or another. As a parent, the overpacking is pure self-defense. If I am not prepared with at least 3 outfits per day for my kids, it is practically daring the universe to smite us with a blowout. Despite the two bags of clothing I packed, we've already done one load of laundry and have another on deck.

In addition to the clothing, we've packed a portable DVD player and movies (car trip), the Wii (my 89 year old grandmother is a MAD bowler), two laptops (both sets of grandparents have wireless internet, thank God), and an Ipod touch (when you just can't get to that laptop fast enough). Also, enough winter gear to weather a blizzard, or a 3 year old.

Now that we're here, there's nothing left to do but unpack, and play and EAT (the best part of Thanksgiving, of course). If I can roll myself to the computer, I may update later. more likely, I will drop into a turkey-induced coma :>).

1 comment:

Sasha said...

I love your blog! it is so cute! i love reading about your family. Now I don't have to ask Steveo how are the Springs and him reply "don't know, all Ted and I talked about was hockey"... you get the idea... hope you had a nice turkey day.