Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday Part 1, 5 Reasons

5 reasons I love my husband today:

5. After staying up until the wee hours to watch his DVRed Bruins game, he got up at 6 AM, when the baby decided she'd had enough snuggling (extra points for recording the game so I woudn't have to watch it).

4. Two words: Litter box!

3. He wants to spend the afternoon watching Christmas movies and snuggling with our son. Is there sugar in hot cocoa?

2. He didn't make (too much) fun of me for totally screwing up my Netflix list, resulting in my Season 1 of Gossip Girl discs to come in reverse order (disc 3 and 4 before disc 2).

1. The biggest reason I love my husband: He actually volunteered to put Disc 2 of Gossip Girl in his own Netflix queue so I wouldn't have to send the other DVDs back unwatched. If you know my husband, you know that nothing goes against his grain more than Gossip Girl. By putting it on his list, he's enabled me to spend this snowy Saturday morning watching absurdly beautiful people in amazing clothes make bad decisions. Swoon! He knows the way to my heart is through trash TV.

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