Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Holiday Insanity Has Begun

I am lying in a prone position in my inlaws guest room, deep breathing
and guzzling Pinot grigio. Below me, I can hear the in-laws in the
kitchen, attempting to wrangle a broken garbage disposal that's
clogging up the sink this Thanksgiving eve. In the next room, my
husband has taken over as chief soother of our inconsolable one year
old, a job that I've been unsuccessfully attempting for an hour and a
half. Also in the next room, Griffin the Destroyer, who accidentally
broke his eyeglasses on the busiest shopping weekend of the year.
When will they make glasses that will hold up to the average four year

The deep breathing ( and the pinot) is helping me to calm down. Typing
this out on the tiny keys on my phone is helping me to focus on
something other then the mayhem of this night.

In summary, this thanksgiving eve, I am grateful for oxygen, beds,
wine and my iPhone. Hopefully things will continue to settle, and I
can add to my list.

Sent from my iPhone

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