Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Members Only

There are so many fabulous things for families to do in our neck of the woods, and this summer we are hell bent on enjoying all of them. On Sunday, which was supposed to be a rainy day, we decided to take the kids out to Shelburne Museum. This year's travelling exhibit is called Full Throttle, and features tons of motorcycles: vintage, custom, and just plain weird. We figured we'd just stay inside, check out all the motorcycles, and then let our boy check out the Ticonderoga, a full sized steam ship that's permanently grounded on the museum property.

We did not expect what we got, which was a gorgeous, sunny day. Not only did we see (and enjoy!) the motorcycle exhibit and the Ticonderoga, but we got to check out the blacksmith, the horse barn and take a few carousel rides. Having been to the Shelburne Museum on a few "adults only" trips, I was a bit unsure how it would go over with the kids. I didn't need to worry, as everyone had a spectacular time.

So spectacular, in fact, that we rolled our single day admission into a family pass. That's right, we're now Shelburne Museum members, free to visit any old time we choose. Given the fun we all had, I expect they'll be seeing a lot of us this summer. And now I feel less guilty that my camera battery died immediately after taking the first picture of the motorcycles :)

Next on the summer fun list...the drive-in!! I hope it's as successful as our day at the museum.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Laziest. Blogger. Ever.

I don't even have an excuse for my bad blogging behavior other than the fact that summer is upon us! The patio furniture is out, the grill is always ready to go, and I am totally stocked up on sunscreen. Woohoo!

Here are the events that have happened that I did not memorialize in the blog: baby crawls, says "Hi" and "Dada" (I swear to God!), pulls herself up on anything and everything, and sleeps in her big-girl crib (finally!), and weighs in at almost 18 pounds. Our little man had his first camp out (with Mommy, thank you very much), moved up into the older pre-school room (next stop, Kindergarten) and has now taken to telling everyone that he'd like a glass of wine, please (you know what they say about apples and trees, wink wink). Yeah, I guess I've been off my game a bit with the updating.

Now I'm going to enjoy a refined meal of chili cheese dogs and pinot grigio with my fantastic husband. Cheers!