Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun in the Bowl

Tonight, as I was getting our son ready for bed, he looked pensively into the toilet and said, "We don't put our feet in the potty, right?"


"And we don't put toys in the potty, right?"


"Even the potty at school, right?"

Okay, one question I can write off. Three questions means I need to start worrying. The last conversation we had about what NOT to put in the potty was prompted by my beautiful boy sticking his head in the toilet to try to wash his hair. I'm not sure I can handle another one of those "hepatitis moments", so it's with great trepidation that I ask the question:

"Buddy, did you the potty at school?"

"No, but Holden and Andy put their toys in the potty at school today."

Oh, thank God. Let Holden and Andy's parents worry about hepatitis tonight. I can bask in the pride of being the one whose kid didn't play in the pooper today.

Aaah, sweet relief.

1 comment:

Mickey Stiletto said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That kid is great.