Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another one bites the dust...

Wow, I can't believe I'm starting a blog. I don't have a MySpace Page, or a Facebook page, I dont even have a text messaging plan for my cell phone. On the multiple message boards I frequent, I am a lurker, not a poster. It's safe to say I am "behind the times". But apparently, as of 2 minutes ago, I have a blog!

Why bother? The social technology scene has moved along quite nicely without me for this long, right? Well, let's call it one part guilt, one part peer pressure, and one part boredom.

Guilt because I never got further than the three month mark with my son's baby book, and he's now halfway to four years old. Now we have a brand new little girl, and no baby book in sight. I just want to be able to document the funny things they do and say, so we can look back and laugh someday. God knows, they will be bringing home girlfriends and boyfriends soon enough, and if you can't embarrass your kids, why be a parent in the first place?

Peer pressure, because my husband just sent me the link to a friend's blog. This is just the latest bit of evidence that I am one of the four people left in America without a slice of the internet to call my own. All of the boards I frequent have posters whose signatures lead to their own blogs, proudly inviting internet strangers to peruse their thoughts, their lives, at will. Having clicked the links to many a blog, I've found that your life really doesn't need to be that exciting to be documented. In fact, some of the blogs I've seen are people just cutting and pasting random crap from websites, and posting it to their blog. I can think of one particular poster on a baby/parenting website that I frequent who literally just cuts and pastes celebrity baby announcements for her blog. I take this as proof that if I ever run out of things to say about my own life, I can easily substitute someone else's.

Finally, boredom. I am currently on maternity leave, and I am lucky enough to have a generally easy baby who sleeps a decent amount during the day. This leaves me a chunk of time to fend for myself, and while daytime TV generally fills that void, sometimes there's just nothing on.

So here we are. And maybe in 3 months, this blog will have gone the way of my son's baby book (currently buried somewhere in our bottomless storage unit). Maybe I'll be posting here every day, leaving some sort of record of my little family that my kids can look back on. Time will tell, I guess. If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading. If you didn't get this far, you'll unfortunately never read the names I'll call you, so I won't waste my time writing them down.

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